DRY FLY...                                                                                                        

Like the "All Purpose Nymph", here we are focusing on the steps involved in tying a basic dry fly and less
on an actual pattern.  And here too... if you are just starting to build up a collection of flies we recommend
tying these in light shades and then in dark and in many different sizes in order to be prepared for any
number of mayfly hatches.
Using the steps described here, it becomes apparent why it is sometimes important to "bury the bulk" of
the butts of the material under the body.  This is critical especially when tying smaller flies.
Questions?  Email Uncle Jake @ paul@unclejakes.net
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Uncle Jake's @Smitty's
1408 W. Michigan Ave, Battle Creek MI 49037
Smitty's Sport Shop (269) 964-3221
Uncle Jake (269) 830-7091  Mrs Jake (269) 719-6731
All rights reserved Uncle Jake's Flies 2014
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